Pollution is not a growing problem here, it is already a massive problem and it is growing worse. The air quality in large centers is abysmal. Every single day the weather report quotes "smoke" which is actually smog. There is a haze overhanging everywhere that is similar to fog so that you cannot see for long distances because the buildings or mountains are hidden behind a haze. Although the government will say that they are doing something about the pollution and quotes fines for abuses, nothing is actually being done about it. I have had to choose to not post most of the photographs that I have taken for a couple reasons. First, my natural politeness makes me want to not show this country and my hosts in a bad light and second, the pictures that are not closeups are hidden and blurry because of the haze and the pictures that are closeups cannot filter out the garbage strewn everywhere. The pictures that I recently posted on Facebook are in the very tourist rich area so they spend a lot more time cleaning it at the expense of everywhere else.

I have been told that there is garbage pick up but I have yet to see it. The locals dump their garbage anywhere and once one person has dumped their garbage, it becomes the place where everyone else follows suit. I did see them have to bring in a backhoe and dump truck to clean up one street that was piled high with garbage. The locals appear to count on the dogs, birds and the destitute to pick through the garbage to keep the piles lower which really only helps to spread the mess over a larger area.
As a developing country they have one foot in the West and one in their own country which is exacerbating the problem. Westerners love of packaged food, bottled water, canned pop and throwaway cutlery has been layered into this nation without all the attendant services. Cans, bottles, paper, and plastic all go into the garbage. Recycling does not exist and with a population of 1.1 Billion that cannot even drink their own water from the tap, try to imagine the amount of garbage being generated.
Walking along a street, you cannot even find a trash can to toss the drink container or chocolate wrapper from the snack that you just consumed. A local will just throw it on the ground. For myself, I put it in my bag and take it back to the hotel to throw it away hoping that the hotel has proper garbage takeaway. I still hate that I am throwing a recyclable can into a trashbag.
I have avoided wearing a pollution mask so far. As a large white guy, I already stand out a mile but I may be wearing one very soon, I had to use my handkerchief today, waiting for my driver who was late (again) because the fumes from the traffic were unbearable. Almost all vehicles are diesel and not the high efficiency diesel either. The trucks and buses are decades old, spewing black smoke as they travel up and down overcrowded roads.
Until the people step forward and say this is unacceptable, this mess will continue unabated until the Ganges itself dies.
Brother can you spare a dime?
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